Mascot T-Shirts - Short & Long sleeve Collection Cover image

Mascot T-Shirts - Short & Long sleeve

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      Mascot T-Shirts represent the pinnacle of workwear comfort and quality. In our extensive collection, we prioritize high-quality materials and designs that offer ultimate comfort throughout your workday. These T-shirts are perfect for layering or wearing alone, seamlessly complementing your work trousers. Our range includes various styles, from short to long-sleeved and choices between V-neck and round neck designs, ensuring you find the perfect fit and style for your work environment.

      Versatility for All

      Our collection is designed to be inclusive and versatile. Mascot T-shirts are essentially unisex, making them suitable for a wide range of body types. However, we also offer selections specifically tailored for women, focusing on fit and comfort. This versatility ensures that every worker, regardless of gender, can find a T-shirt that fits comfortably and looks great.

      Style and Functionality Combined

      For those seeking more than just a single-color T-shirt, our MASCOT® UNIQUE range offers two-toned products, while the MASCOT® FREESTYLE range features smart prints for a more modern look. Whether your preference is traditional or contemporary, our collection has a Mascot T-shirt to suit your style needs.

      Customization and Variety

      Understanding the diverse needs of different industries, our collection boasts a wide color selection. This variety allows for easy integration with company logos or corporate color schemes. Additionally, we offer personalization services like logo printing and embroidery, helping your workforce stand out and maintain a professional appearance.

      Mascot T-Shirts - Safety and Visibility

      For industries requiring enhanced safety measures, our collection includes Mascot T-shirts certified according to EN ISO 20471. These high-visibility (Hi Vis) T-shirts and Polo shirts come in fluorescent colors with reflectors, significantly increasing visibility in high-risk areas. The EN 20471 certification ensures that these T-shirts meet the highest safety standards, offering peace of mind and protection in the workplace.

      Mascot T-Shirts Delivered Worldwide

      At Workwear Gurus, we deliver the best work t-shirts to a wide variety of locations across the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, Singapore, India, and the UAE. In fact, we send them Europe-wide and across most of the globe.
      Also click to see our full range of Mascot for work.